
IDK, my bff Facebook

The day has come. My 14-year-old cousin is a registered Facebook user.

<--- My dismay

It seems Myspace's reign as the exclusive online tween haven is over. To think, college upperclassmen like myself can remember a day where one dared not pass go and collect $200 at the Facebook gates under the ripe age of 18.

And while I'd rather young Laura spend her days contemplating what hijinks the "High School Musical" cast is up to - can you really blame her? As social media continues its rapid expansion to all corners of the web, it is only natural that an expanding user base will follow.

College kids can be protective over Facebook. What was once ours is now, well, everyone's. By the time one is done de-tagging a mortifying spring break photo so their boss doesn't see it, they very well could have a request to join the Facebook "Oregon Trail" wagon of a good friend's mom (yes, I received said request).

Sure, Facebook is a generic place to start looking at all of this. After all, it's everywhere - 19,589 articles on Google News have contained a reference to the medium in the past 24 hours. But the Book is far from alone - having joined seven additional social media outlets in the past week, I still feel as though I've only scraped the surface of what's out there.

This summer I am taking on the role of a social media intern for a major corporation. In this blog, I will share my observations and findings - the innovative, the interesting, the weird, the wacky, the useful and the useless.

These are the impressions of an ordinairy young man descending into social media nerddom. Annnnd we're off.


Adam Denison said...

Oh no! The high schoolers have infiltrated Facebook. That's almost as bad as parents on Facebook.

Joking aside, this just shows me how much the younger generations are going to be involved online. We thought our generation was tech savvy, we've got nothing on those even younger than us.

Anonymous said...

Haha...this was great.

My sister is 19 and when she first got on facebook at the tender age of 17 (still in high school), I almost lost it. Next in line is my 11-year-old niece. Keep your fingers crossed that she doesn't get wind of this fairly-new social media craze.

Anonymous said...

I definitely also remember telling my younger sister that high schoolers has no business on Facebook...


Tom Shea said...

my dad is a HS teacher and regularly uses facebook to interact and engage with his students. they are amazed and its a phenomenal reaction from students, like kickin' it with the teacher outside of class.

despite our yearnings for total connectedness (read: opensocial), im thankful for the walls facebook puts up between networks.

does this keep the HS kids on their side of the floor and the college kids, professionals and parents on theirs? not completely. Still, when you lived at your parents house, you still had a lock on the door... and it's kinda like that.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd rather have the young'uns on facebook then the AARP generation.

My favorite thing ever was being at work about two months ago and listening to two late 40s/early 50s women rant about what they were doing the previous day on facebook.

Oh yes, these women were like twice our age talking about facebook programs they needed to put on their page...

It was disturbing.